Pokémon Vega Wiki
Turblimp #234: Turblimp
#236: Venotreme Venotreme

Yolkid is a Normal-type Pokémon, and is one of the original Fakemon created for Pokémon Altair, Sirius and Vega.

Yolkid is capable of evolving into four different Pokémon. It evolves into Venotreme when exposed to a Water Stone, Tonopper when exposed to a Leaf Stone, Aeruda when exposed to a Sun Stone and Hasaga when exposed to a Moon Stone.


Explanation about what kind of Pokémon it is.


Level Up

Level Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Level Movename Type Category Power Accuracy PP


TM Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
TM No. Movename Type Catgory Power Accuracy PP

Move tutor

Tutor Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP
Tutor Move Type Category Power Accuracy PP